My nephew, Chase, is in town visiting for 2 weeks and decided that he wanted to go with Uncle Loren to judo while he was here. He borrowed Loren IV's judo-gi (which really made L4 mad!) since it fit him perfectly. I went to class with Chase and Loren on Monday and we did some basic stuff (mostly review for me) just to show Chase what it is all about. Today I didn't participate and took Justin and Loren IV with me when we took Chase since his mom wanted pictures of him doing judo. All three of them were having a grand ole time, although Justin was just having more fun with all the free room to chase his crazy brother and cousin around.

Chase and Loren IV are both very good at judo, I must say, and I hope I'm not saying this just because I'm biased. Loren IV still thinks it's mostly a game, but he can put up a pretty darn good fight against his older cousin. That's Chase on top holding Loren IV down:

He's one tough little booger, and Justin seems like he's headed that way too. Loren and I have discussed this before and we think Loren IV will be our competitor and Justin will be the tactitian. Loren IV just jumps right in and does things, and Justin sits and watches. Contemplating his next move, I'm sure...

I suppose every parent has high ambitions for their children. And I know most parents would say "I just want them to be happy with whatever they choose." I know my parents told me that. I don't ever want my kids to feel like I pushed them to be an Olympian, a Navy fighter pilot, a paleontologist, or an undersea explorer, but I always want them to know those options are out there for the taking. The WORLD is for the taking.
The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking
part; the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well.
~Pierre de Coubertin
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