I decided to start Loren IV's "preschool" with dinosaurs. We went to the library and checked out a bunch of dinosaur books and a dinosaur movie. Loren is upset about having to take the movie back, but I'm sure we'll rent it again when he can understand it a little bit more. Mostly we're naming them and trying to figure out what they eat. Nothing too elaborate, there's time for that further on. He's become a Tyrannosaurus Rex and took a "bite" out of my back this afternoon. I asked him what kind of dinosaur Justin was and he said "Apatosaurus." If you had asked me a year ago who Apatosaur was, I wouldn't have a clue. Apparently Apatosaur is the same dinosaur as what used to be called Brontosaurus. Hmm, I guess I'll have to re-write my children's book, Benito's Dinosaur, if I ever find it. I believe Benito's dinosaur was a brontosaurus.
Speaking of "Apatosaurus-Justin," I'd like to change his dinosaur status to a meat-eater (apatosaurus is a plant eater). He's got another chomper which puts us up to 4. Man those baby teeth are sharp! I guess they have to be, to cut through those gums, and no wonder they hurt the poor babies. He didn't want to take a nap today, and only took 2 10-minute naps before his toofies started hurting him. I hope he sleeps better tonight. I'll dose him with tylenol in a little bit.
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