A few days later, we were home again and I had gotten a dictionary down for some reason. Justin was looking at the dictionary and came up to me and said "music" and sure enough he had found a page that had music notes on it. He finds music notes all over everywhere and always asks me to play music on my computer. He bounces all over when he sees me going into my music folder on my computer. He recognizes a bunch of different instruments as "music" even if he doesn't know them by name yet.
This last weekend we went to my parents' house again for my dad's birthday party. My sister and I were sitting on the kitchen floor and we were talking to Justin and playing with him. All of a sudden he stops and says "peeneano" (piano) and runs to my mom's piano. I opened it up and he climbed up on the bench and started playing. Nobody said ANYTHING about the piano but he suddenly remembered that Gramma has a "peeneano" and had to go play it. Pretty much all weekend he played the piano, even after he smashed his fingers when he tried to close the keyboard lid at bedtime. He even saw my high school senior portrait with my violin and told my dad "Mommy, music."
Music is forever; music should grow and mature with you,
following you right on up until you die. ~Paul Simon
1 comment:
That is awesome! I hope he keeps up a love for music, but if not music some kind of art. It is great to be able to express yourself in that way!!
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