Well, I haven't written in a while. The boys and I went camping with my mom and dad and brother. We went 4-wheeling and Loren spent the whole time singing "Sube, sube, sube" (Spanish for climbing) when we went up, and "Baja, baja, baja," (Spanish for down) when we went down (he learned that from Dora):


And my dad and brother took Loren fishing. Dad and Gabe said he was more worried about killing the grasshoppers they were using for bait than he was about the fish themselves. He caught his first fish ever, plus 3 more. I'm so proud of him! (And I don't really blame him for not wanting to eat them... I'm really picky about fish myself.):

I had planned on writing a blog for every day that we were gone, and even started a notebook with a "journal" of the first day, but we were so busy and I was so tired at the end of every day that I just crashed. It was so much fun though, and I can't wait to go back again. I promised Loren (son) that we'd save my cake money and ride the train next year. Hopefully Loren (hubby) will be able to go with us next year. I really missed having him there and I think he'd enjoy it (despite what he says otherwise).
At least some part of me will always be in the San Juan Mountains of the Colorado Rockies:
The mountains are calling and I must go.~John Muir
As for the Olympics, I've been watching almost all of the swimming events, some of the equestrian if it's on, and gymnastics. I've even watched a little bit of beach volleyball. But being that I live in a household where judo holds a prominent spot, I did watch the US Judo players with Loren (hubby) on the computer.
Ronda brought home a
bronze! Yay, Ronda!
The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part; the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well. ~Pierre de Coubertin